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Common health problems during Monsoon


AD Monsoon rains are a breath of fresh air after the sweltering summer, filling dams and giving agriculture a much-needed boost. Despite all these advantages, Monsoon brings a wide array of infections. Not all monsoon diseases are serious, but if not treated in time, their severity may increase.

Water contamination is a growing problem that impacts our health, the environment, and even the creatures that live in it. We can address this by using a good water purifier, saving water wisely, following stricter regulations, and developing better ways to treat it.

Here’s why prioritizing clean drinking water becomes crucial during the monsoon:

Increased Vulnerability: The monsoon weakens our immune system, making us more prone to infections. Contaminated water becomes a potent source of these infections.

Waterborne Woes: Diseases like typhoid, cholera, and dysentery spread rapidly through contaminated water. Symptoms can include severe diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and abdominal cramps.

Gastro Infections: Avoid gastrointestinal infections by drinking purified water and storing food hygienically. Contaminated water and stale, uncovered food can be breeding grounds for harmful bacteria.

Viral Infections: Common illnesses like flu, cold, and cough are more prevalent due to the sudden changes in temperature and increased humidity.

Buying an ideal water purifier for your home this monsoon!

Pureit Revito Max is a Best-In-Class# Filter Technology purifier designed to remove heavy metals such as cadmium and chromium from drinking water. It uses an 8-stage purification process that includes RO, UV, and MF filtration to remove contaminants and deliver safe drinking water. The RO membrane is tested and certified by the Water Quality Association to reduce heavy metals* from drinking water.

Pureit Revito Max has an expansive storage capacity of 9 litres ensures a consistent supply of fresh and secure RO water for your and your family’s consumption. Further enhancing its safety features, the appliance incorporates an in-tank UV sterilization mechanism, eliminating up to 99.99% of bacteria and viruses.

Moreover, the inclusion of Smartsense Indicators^^ offers convenience. These indicators notify you 15 days prior to the GKK filter’s expiry, ensuring timely replacement. Furthermore, in a proactive measure to guarantee water quality especially during monsoon.

Monsoon Health Tips for a Happy Season:

  • Hydrate Right: Drink plenty of clean, purified water throughout the day to stay hydrated and flush out toxins.
  • Wash Thoroughly: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before eating and after.
  • Cook it Right: Ensure your food is cooked thoroughly and vegetables are properly washed to avoid contamination.
  • Purify your water: If unsure about the water source, purify it with a trusted brand like Pureit.


*This RO membrane is tested and Certified by WQA to NSF/ANSI 58 for material safety . This RO membrane was tested by WQA in a surrogate system for the reduction of Cadmium, Chromium III. WQA cannot confirm that the component will yield the same performance when used in any other, non-tested system. See for details.

#The RO membrane used in Pureit Revito Series is tested and certified by WQA to NSF/ANSI 58 for material safety. This RO membrane was tested by WQA in a surrogate system for the reduction of Cadmium, Chromium III. WQA cannot confirm that the component will yield the same performance when used in any other, non-tested system. See for details. In comparison to leading RO devices, in comparison to life of RO membrane

** Under Pureit test conditions. Compared to ordinary RO’s.

*** Under Pureit test conditions

^^ Advance alert system via UI alerts 15 days before your filter expires

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