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Useful Gifts for New Parents

Useful Gifts for New Parents, According to CozeeCoo


If you know someone who has just given birth, you might be wondering what type of gift will be best to buy. You could buy new clothing for the baby, but if you want to give a more memorable gift there are plenty of things you can buy that will be particularly useful for the new parents.

Having a baby is an exciting but also busy time, so if you want to think outside of the box, you can come up with novel gifts that will be really appreciated. Below are some ideas.

Make Some Meals

Trying to get a handle on everything that is involved in taking care of a new baby can be a struggle in the first few weeks. Before new parents get into a routine, everything can be up in the air and so making time to cook food is usually difficult. So, instead of living on takeaways, you could do some meals and take them over. This will definitely be appreciated. However, if your friend is breastfeeding, be careful to avoid ingredients that will affect the baby. This means omitting chilies and going easy on things like onion and garlic.

Offer Your Time

Consider offering some time to tidy up the house while the new parents get to grips with taking care of baby. Or you could watch baby while one parent gets a nap and the other has a relaxing shower or bath. New parents are often reluctant to be apart from their new bundle of joy in the first few days, but if you are happy to sit in their home while they take some time to take care of themselves, they will likely be incredibly grateful.

Sleep Aids for Baby

It can be difficult to get a new baby into a good sleep routine, but there are many gifts that will help with this. A projector that plays white noise or lullabies could be ideal, or you could buy a diaper changing swaddle from CozeeCoo. This ready made swaddle is comfortable for baby, making her feel safe and secure but allows easy access for diaper changing.

A Spa Day Voucher

It is hard to imagine how tiring it can be to look after a new baby until you actually do it. No one can prepare you for it, and after a couple of days your old life often seems like a distant memory. Your friend will appreciate the opportunity to have a spa day once she gets into a routine.

Mobile Photo Printer

Every new mom or dad wants photos of their baby doing absolutely everything from cooing to smiling and even crying. With a mobile photo printer, they can print these photos to put in a scrapbook or give to their loved ones, direct from their smartphone.

Digital Photo Frame

A fabulous gift for proud new parents is a digital photo frame. They can load hundreds of photos into the one frame, press play, and it will continuously scroll through all the images throughout the day.

A Smart Baby Rocker

If you really want to splash out on a gift, consider a smart sleeper for baby. This crib rocks baby back to sleep when it detects cries, giving parents a break to get on with tasks around the home.


There are so many fabulous gifts for new parents that they will find really useful. If you want them to remember your gift, then consider items that will make their life easier, such as products designed to aid sleep or your time, as this will allow them to take care of themselves as well as baby.

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